
I can not thank you enough Andreas. Appreciate the quick turnaround and outstanding quality of work.

I have very much enjoyed our working relationship and I am certainly very impressed with your knowledge and skill in this area of law, quick and thorough responses and creativity in solving  difficult legal issues and obstacles. It is a pleasure working with you and look forward to our continued professional  relationship.

I am really impressed completing the POA revocations and title searches in the month of August!!! Congratulations for your excellent and speedy job. I am grateful.

Thanks again for your superb work as my legal counsel in Greece.

I really appreciate your support in this matter, I tell people I have a great Lawyer in Greece acting on my behalf.

Thank you for all your help over the years. You have been amazing and made a difficult process so much easier.

Thank you so much for all of your assistance in this matter. In addition, thank you so much for extending to us the courtesy of not charging for other additional expenses incurred on the trip to Amfissa. We do sincerely appreciate it. Thank you again.

Your promptness is amazing. I was never that fast when I practiced law over here!

Andreas, I Thank you so much in consideration of your discounted charges and you have been more than fair to me representing my legal fight from the beginning almost one and half years ago.  You have been wonderful to me and I appreciate you so much!

Thank you – that is wonderful news!  We deeply appreciate your persistence Andreas – thank you!  If you were here, we’d both give you a BIG (but professional) HUG!!! THANK YOU!

Andreas, I was lucky enough to have the BEST Attorney in all of Greece representing me.

Again, from the bottom of my heart and from my mother and family, we are so grateful to you.

Andreas is an excellent lawyer (one of the best lawyers I have ever met in my life!)

Thank you for your quick work and great communication. We greatly appreciate all you are doing.

I love that narrative Andreas, you always have the perfect solution!

I have been in a panic for the last several months over this pending trial. The only calming factor is that I know I am in your capable hands.

Thank you so much for the latest update and continuous progress. My family and I greatly appreciate your hard work.

I am really pleased to have finally achieved this and wanted to thank you for your very quick and efficient work.

Thanks again for all your hard work.

Andreas, thank you again for everything. You have been a solid help over the years and I don’t think I would have got to this point without your particular brand of help.

It’s New Year’s Eve in Australia this morning and it’s the best news I’ve read all year. Thank you for your hard work & good judgement!  Faith restored in Greek courts.

Thank you as always for the efficient response. You didn’t have to reply so quickly, I want you to enjoy the holidays as well, I appreciate your efforts.

I always knew I have the BEST and Smartest Attorney in all of Greece.

Andreas, thank you for being honest with me and I appreciate you looking after me and keeping costs to a minimum for me.

Thanks Andreas. And thank you generally for all your work.  It is very relieving to have you taking care of everything.  We really appreciate your diligence and all-round great work.

Thank you so much, we are grateful we have you!!

A note to express our thanks in your cordial and prompt handling of our legal and tax concerns. Though we are many miles away, we trust your legal knowledge and professional guidance.

From the thorough, honest and clear manner in which you conveyed everything, it is quite evident you are a reliable law firm. It’s not every day one comes across a legal counselor who inspires such trust. I feel privileged just having contacted you. Thank you so very much.

We now have the ball rolling and a lot of major actions done. Thank you for your good work. You have cleared up so much for me. Thank you.

You’re so diligent with your work especially responding promptly, thank you!

I am very glad with the decision I have made regarding my representation.

Andreas has been assisting us with inheritance matters related to family property in […]. We live in the US and he has been very helpful in helping us navigate the legal matters we are dealing with.

Thank you for your hard work, greatly appreciated!

This is GREAT news! Thank you for all your hard work.

Your professionalism and promptness are greatly appreciated.

Great job Andreas, and very well specified.

Andreas has always done a great job and I am glad he has done so again. Congratulations to you Andreas!

With Andreas’ skillful and knowledgeable guidance WE WON THE CASE!!

I have told (…) that he can confidently leave this matter in your hands and that you will deal with this matter promptly, professionally and at a fair price.

May I thank you for carrying out the property search with such speed and efficiency.

All I know is, I have been blessed by the Man above from the day I decided to pick up the phone and dialed Attorney Andreas Voltis (…). One thing I feel confident in, […] has met his match with you on my side and defending me.

I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me! Just so you know you are amazing at your job, I’m certain it wouldn’t have worked out this way with anyone else.

First of all, I want to thank you for always protecting me and being a wonderful attorney to me.

Thank you so much for working so hard for us!

On behalf of our family, I wish to thank you for walking this difficult journey with us step by step. We appreciate your professionalism and utmost honesty with all matters. Thank you. We will certainly be using you as our preferred Greek lawyer.

I thank you for being so prompt with your replies, for your honesty and guidance.

Thank you for doing so much already!

Andreas, that’s great, thank you for such a quick turn-around!

Thank you so much Andreas! I appreciate all your help and how much you are helping my mother and I through this. This is such a helpful process for us.

I don’t think we could thank you enough, truly.

Thank you for your prompt and efficient service as always!

Andreas, thank you so much for this! We greatly appreciate your patience to get this completed.

You are legendary!

My brother and I are grateful to have you protect our family’s property in Greece.

(…) Andreas is my lawyer in Athens and he has helped my on a number of things in the past.  I have always found him to be forthright, professional and cost efficient.  He is a really nice guy to deal with as well, and he communicates well in both Greek and English.

Brilliant Andreas. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts to win this case.

We really appreciate it.

As always Andreas, you are the ultimate professional with my interests in mind. Thank you for your work.

On behalf of the entire family, we wish to thank you again for taking on our case and for dealing with the matters at hand promptly and professionally.

This is awesome progress, thank you!

Once again, thank you for your prompt attention and professional approach to our matter.

Andreas, thank you for your fine work.

We appreciate and want to thank you for the work you have done for us.

We all of us thank you deeply for your care and attention, for being trustworthy and thoughtful and most importantly a good person.

I must thank you for the discounts you are offering me, I am extremely grateful.

Really great working with you and I appreciate your sense of urgency.

I want to thank you again for doing such a wonderful job for me. I have recommended you to (…).

Thank you so much Andreas for making this so painless! Thank you for taking the time to handle this so close to the holidays!! We appreciate it very much.

Thank you so so so so so much and thank you for all your incredible work!!

One thing I can definitely say now, is that we are all so grateful and thankful. Andreas, you are unique.

You are a miracle worker, thank you so much. I will never forget your kindness, patience & efforts.

I can’t thank you enough for your help.

Once again thank you for your diligence, patience & understanding in this matter.

Your professional support/service during my stay in Greece was highly appreciated.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your time, effort, patience & understanding in this whole matter.

Thank you for your most swift response, as always.  Not sure, but this may be your personal best time!

Once again, many thanks for all your professionalism.

Thank you very much, very excellent service!

Thank you, Andreas, you are the best.

Thank you so much for fielding all our countless questions, and being so clear and immediate in all your responses!

Your conduct through this matter has been nothing but transparent, prompt, ethical and professional. I am genuinely grateful for all the work you have done for us and would not want anybody else to represent us.

We deeply appreciate the discount and all of your expertise thus far, and thank you also for your detailed statement.

Thank you very much for all your careful attention and responsiveness

Love your work Andreas!

That is fantastic news Andreas, thank you so much for handling this so well.

I can’t thank you enough as this outcome is much better than what we were initially advised.

Andreas: Well Done!

Your advice was invaluable, thank you so much.

I fully appreciate all of the work done for us, always high-quality and dependable.

You have been very fair to me and I sincerely appreciate it.

I want to thank you for taking our case and feel we are in Good Hands with your representation.

Thank you for your advice, I appreciate very much what you are doing for me.

You are terrific! Thank you so much for being so wonderfully prompt, and informative – as usual.

I appreciate the work you are doing for us.

Thank you for your diligence in expediting the matters related to the sale of my property, your efforts are very much appreciated.

Good work. You have explained each item thoroughly.

You really surprised me how well you spoke English.

Thank you Andreas. You are awesome!!

Your help has been invaluable.

Thank you for all you have done to help me secure my Greek paperwork.

We remain pleased and amazed that we have had such a good professional relationship and it started through the internet!

I thank you ever so much from the bottom of my heart for what you have done.

Thank you for your work and for bringing this matter to conclusion.  We further thank you for your courtesies in reducing the billable hours and all the additional services you have rendered.

Many many thanks for all your professional advice and assistance, all very much appreciated.

Thanks for your patience with me.

Thanks again for everything!  We can’t express enough how much we appreciate all your time and care.

Thank you so much Andreas for working so hard (…) you have a wonderful bed-side manner and have a way to make people not only like you, but you also have the patience and the gift to make people comfortable in understanding  complicated procedures (…) when I did not understand, you took the extra time to explain to me until I did understand.

(…) I am promoting you at every opportunity I come across someone needing Greek legal assistance in Australia! You have done a fantastic job!

I have reached out to other Greek attorneys in the past; you are the one that has given me the most sound information.

Again a world of thanks for what you have done for me, I so appreciate it. You have been wonderful to me, extremely professional.

… knowing I have now hired a Very Prestigious and Top of the Line Attorney in Athens to represent me (…), a World of Thanks.

Thank you for all your help, once again.

I can’t thank you enough for the information you have provided (…), as it’s been most valuable in understanding what’s required and next steps.

Again, thank you for all your efforts and delivery of results.

If you guys ever have a client who needs legal services in Greece, then contact me. Andreas is among the best attorneys with whom I have ever interacted! And you know this is high praise coming from a tough critic like me!

Thank you so much. Your work is  perfection!

The thoroughness, meticulousness and perfection with which you handled the details of this herculean task was done with diligence, finesse, good cheer, and such patience and persistence.

I appreciate your professionalism and your prompt service.

We are very grateful to you for providing your services at a discounted rate. We understand that our matter was rather complicated and appreciate all your efforts in dealing with all the parties over the last few months.

I believe you are someone I can trust to achieve the scope of work effectively and efficiently based on our previous working history.

Thank you for your work and the wonderful results.

Thank you for finalizing this long drawn out estate and dispute process.

My Father can Rest In Peace that the matter is now finally at an end.

You are wonderful thank you Andreas, your promptness in this matter is much appreciated.

I read your pleadings/brief and I must say that it is REALLY good. Thank you.

Thank you for your uber-efficient efforts.

Thank you for making this process so much simpler.

I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you for all your help in 2018.

That is awesome news to hear and especially today…

Thank you Mr Voltis, I appreciate what you are doing very much.

We are truly blessed to have such a caring, smart and amazing legal team working for us. It is very hard to find, especially in such complex cases involving International Law and where language barriers and ‘red tape’ obstacles are hard to overcome sometimes.

You are a great guy and a very good person to have in one’s life!

You have achieved more in your 2 days than anyone has in the past (we can’t recall anyone actually looking into these matters) so a very big thank you from our mother! We thank you for your excellent service once again.

My Mum and Dad send their Thank you and God Bless you!

They are so happy “over the moon” Just great news!