Real Estate transactions and conveyances – Golden Visa purchases

In detail…

When transacting on real estate property in Greece, there is no “title security” or any form of advance guarantee on the title being purchased or sold.

It is left to the lawyer’s due diligence to make sure that “no stones are left unturned” and that the receiving party gets a legal, clear and proper title to a suitable property that they can develop to their needs.

We can assist you in transferring, by proper title, your properties via sale or gift or parental gift to your children – by applying the most sophisticated and efficient structures to reduce taxation, as applicable.

We can assist you in purchasing properties in Greece and will undertake the complete due diligence on your behalf (including tax registrations, due diligence to confirm good standing of title of the seller, engineer’s due diligence via our associated network of engineers, tax-related due diligence etc.).

We carefully draft the contracts, negotiate with the other party and take actions to ensure the proper and safe handling of the transfer of the sale price, within or outside of the Greek banking system.

More than 50 years of combined legal experience in representing Greeks of the Diaspora in their legal matters in Greece.